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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After The Day After

The results are in, the winners have been declared.  For those congressional or Team Romney flacks whose bosses lost, here are some job-search resources.

Roll Call, the granddaddy of Capitol Hill publications, has long been a source of leads for job hunters. Roll Call's careers website, is a good starting point.

The Washington, DC chapters of the Public Relations Society of America and the International Association of Business Communicators have online job banks.  The PRSA National Capital Chapter's Job Line is free;  IABC's local chapter charges $50 for a three month membership, which includes access to its job bank.

For a national job search, try IABC's job bank and PRSA's Job Center.

n invaluable resource is the website and list-serve run by veteran  DC communicator Ned Lundquist.   Ned's Job of the Week offers dozens of communications jobs each week, many of them in the DC metro area.

Washington is home to countless trade associations.  The American Society of Association Executives offers a job bank that flacks may find useful. Association Trends Magazine also provides a job bank.

Seeking a high-end job?  Consider a subscription to CEO Update, which reports senior-level job openings in associations, professional societies and nonprofits.

And, despite all the talk of an impending fiscal cliff, there are always jobs as a.....Federal Flack.  And remember, if USA Jobs baffles you, check out our helpful hints here at "The Federal Flack" or visit our new website.

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